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WELCOME, the journal editorial team appreciates your visit to Indonesian Journal of Sports and Physical Education Research (IJSPER). Please read the journal information for detailed information about this journal:

Journal information:

 Journal title : Indonesian Journal of Sports and Physical Education Research (IJSPER)
 Parallel title : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Olahraga dan Jasmani Indonesia
 Initials : ijsper
 Pub. Frequency
 Language : Indonesian, English
 DOI :
 Journal Rank :
 Subject Area
 Indexing :
 Citation Analysis : Google Scholars; etc

Indonesian Journal of Sports and Physical Education Research (IJSPER) is an interdisciplinary, open access and double-blind peer reviewed scientific journal that has been established to provide information on scientific research results and as a medium for dissemination of state-of-the-art knowledge (issues) in the fields of Sports and Physical Education Research. The journal editorial team invites researchers/authors to submitted and publish the original and novelty research based article to the IJSPER. All submitted manuscripts will be processed and selected by the journal editorial team and reviewed by the reviewer team through a double-blind review process to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal. 

The journal welcome scholars, researchers, student, lecturer and practitioners around the world to submit papers to the journal. All manuscripts submitted are reviewed as rapidly as possible, while maintaining rigor. Reviewers make comments to the author and recommendations to the journal editor who then makes the final decision. Before submitting the manuscript, please read the Focus and Scope, Journal Policies, Author Statement of Ethics and Author Guidelines.

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