Proceedings of Siliwangi Annual International Conference on Guidance and Counselling en-US Proceedings of Siliwangi Annual International Conference on Guidance and Counselling <p align="justify"><strong>Copright Notice <strong>the <strong>Siliwangi Annual International Conference on Guidance and Counselling (SAICGC)</strong></strong></strong></p><p align="justify"> The conference work is licensed under a <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution License</a>. Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:</p><div><ol><li>Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution License</a> that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgment of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.</li><li>Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal. </li><li>Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work.</li></ol></div> Hardiness Counseling to Enhance Student Academic Resilience <p>Currently, students are expected to excel and make significant contributions in various sectors such as education, technology, the economy, and social aspects as the year 2045 approaches. Resilience in facing challenges (hardiness) has the potential to support academic resilience. The aim of this research is to test the effectiveness of Hardiness Counseling in enhancing academic resilience. This article has undergone a review and analysis process to illustrate how training in developing hardiness can have a positive impact on resilience against stress in Indonesian adolescents, in line with the vision of Indonesia Emas 2045. The results of the literature analysis underscore the importance of hardiness training as a relevant step toward achieving the goals of Indonesia Emas 2045.</p> Eka Sanjaya Yusi Riksa Yustiana Copyright (c) 2023 Eka Sanjaya, Yusi Riksa Yustiana 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 2 2 1 9 Interpersonal Communication using Symbolic Modeling Techniques in Adolescents <p>Interpersonal communication is very important for individual life. Interpersonal communication plays a role in creating happiness in human life, assisting individual intellectual and social development, forming identity and identity, understanding the reality around individuals, and also for determining individual mental health. Effective interpersonal communication when it has aspects such as openness, empathy, supportive attitude, positive attitude and equality. Symbolic modeling techniques change behavior and add to behavior in order to have good interpersonal communication skills so that counselees can increase self-acceptance, can behave more positively and can understand themselves and others by using literature reviews from several relevant sources.</p> Dina Sari Juntika Nurihsan Setiawati Setiawati Copyright (c) 2023 Dina Sari, Juntika Nurihsan, Setiawati Setiawati 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 2 2 10 14 Hardiness in Relation to Career Adaptability on Students of Vocational School Linda Ernawati Maida Sari Nurhikmah Copyright (c) 2023 Linda Ernawati, Maida Sari Nurhikmah 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 2 2 15 21 Self-Esteem of Students with Learning Difficulties at School <p>Self-esteem is an assessment in the form of self-evaluation of value possessed, as a form of self-defense against the acceptance of positive and negative judgments expressed through attitudes. Low self-esteem that students have can affect life, in terms of social, academic, personal, and career. A student with learning difficulties is someone who shows certain failures as a result of not achieving learning objectives. In this article, the method used in the research literature<em> review</em> aims to be able to provide relevant studies from reliable sources regarding the self-esteem of students with learning difficulties. The problems that students with learning difficulties have are very complex and result from various factors, making them prone to low self-esteem.</p> Elsha Rahayu Yusuf Syamsu Copyright (c) 2023 Elsha Rahayu, Yusuf Syamsu 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 2 2 22 26 Measurement and Increase of Academic Resilience : A Systematic Literature Review <p>Academic resilience is considered an asset in human characteristics and is a psychological construction that can be observed in some individuals which explains success despite experiencing difficulties. Individuals with poor academic resilience are feared to be unable to adapt to change, demands, and disappointment due to academic problems. Academic resilience can be seen when individuals face problematic experiences and know how to deal with or adapt to them. Academic resilience is a topic that is increasingly being researched so that developments related to definitions, measurement tools and interventions are increasingly diverse. Increasing individual academic resilience can be done through intervention, one of which is through guidance and counseling services. This study aims to synthesize various concepts related to academic resilience and test the effectiveness of guidance and counseling services to increase academic resilience by using literature reviews from several relevant sources.</p> Fani Fitriani Permatasari Eka Sakti Yudha Agus Taufiq Copyright (c) 2023 Fani Fitriani Permatasari, Eka Sakti Yudha, Agus Taufiq 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 2 2 34 38 Differences in Self-esteem of Bullies and Victims of Bullying in Class VIII Students at SMPN 56 Bandung <p>Adolescence is a time of developing self esteem which is his identity. Each individual's self esteem is different, this is influenced by the individual's perspective in interpreting each experience, including experience bullying. Bullies and victims of bullying will have different levels of self esteem, because each individual has a different self-assessment. So the purpose of this study was to examine the difference in levels of self esteem of victim &nbsp;of bullying and bullies in class VIII students at SMP Negeri 56 Bandung. The method used in this research is descriptive comparative research with a quantitative approach. The subjects of this study were students of class VIII SMP Negeri 56 Bandung. Data collection techniques carried out by researchers using psychological questionnaires self esteem which has gone through validity and reliability tests. In the validity test, 40 items were declared valid and 8 items were declared invalid. The sampling technique was purposive sampling, so that students who were selected according to the criteria in this study were 8 victim of bullying and 6 &nbsp;bullies. The data analysis technique used in this study is the Mann-Whitney test. The results of this study indicate the value of Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.01 &lt;0.05. Then it can be stated that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This it can be said that there are differences in levels of self esteem for victim of bullying and bullies.</p> Eti Nurhayati Anne Hafina Copyright (c) 2023 Eti Nurhayati, Anne Hafina 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 2 2 27 33 Transition Counseling to Improve Career Adaptability of Vocational High School Students (SMK) <p>Currently, the ability to adapt to the world of work or career for Vocational High School (SMK) graduates is an issue in guidance and counseling services. Individuals who are able to adapt are characterized by the ability to pay attention to the future of their career, have a sense of responsibility, have curiosity and have confidence in accordance with the individual's interests. This research aims to produce a transition counseling model to increase vocational school students' career adaptability. The research uses a mixed method design sequence model with research and development methods with three stages, namely descriptive using the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale (CAAS) measuring tool, empirical testing using non-equivalent group design, and evaluative by evaluating the trial process transition counseling model which includes outcome evaluation and process evaluation</p> Nurlathif Muhyidin Agus Taufiq Mamat Supriatna Copyright (c) 2023 Nurlathif Muhyidin, Agus Taufiq, Mamat Supriatna 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 2 2 39 42 Group Counseling with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Approach to Manage Student Academic Stress <p>Adolescence is a turbulent time marked by conflict and mood swings. The inability of individuals to manage pressure in life can be a source of stress. One of the causes of stress sometimes comes from the school environment which should be a place that is quite comfortable and healthy for the physical and psychological development of students. Academic stress is a phenomenon that is widespread in various stages of the education system, will have a negative impact on the personal, emotional and physical well-being of students and their learning. research to be conducted by the author.</p> Sri Mulyati M Solehuddin Ipah Saripah Copyright (c) 2023 Sri Mulyati, M Solehuddin, Ipah Saripah 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 2 2 44 49 The Effect of Self-Regulation on Academic Procrastination on Students with Learning Disabilities at School <p>Academic procrastination is a problem that occurs in students in the school environment. Academic procrastination is closely related to failure in self-regulation (<em>self regulation)</em>. Self regulation refers to self-generated thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are oriented towards achieving personal goals. Individuals who have<em>low self-regulation</em>tend to do acts of procrastination, because of the ability to do<em>self-regulation</em> or self-regulation is an important factor influencing the emergence of procrastination behavior in students. Students with Learning Disabilities (LD) were found to experience lower levels of regulation than their Non Learning Disabilities (NLD) counterparts due to incorrect theories about self, task, and effort required and because of difficulty in choosing. , implement, and monitor appropriate learning strategies</p> Yunis Dyah Ayu Ratih Sulistyowati Anne Hafina Copyright (c) 2023 Yunis Dyah Ayu Ratih Sulistyowati, Anne Hafina 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 2 2 50 53 Guidance Services for Developing Self-Regulated Learning for Adolescent Students: Systematic Review of Literature <p>Adolescents with good self-regulation skills can easily control and regulate themselves<br>cognitively, emotionally, and behaviorally. They will complete their developmental tasks<br>obediently, disciplined, and comply with existing rules. In addition, they will not play truant,<br>will not create riots, and will not be late in completing their tasks. This research uses a<br>systematic literature review method with a qualitative approach. This method aims to<br>discover, evaluate, and interpret research results related to a particular research question,<br>subject, or phenomenon of interest. This research's results illustrate that classical and<br>group guidance services are considered effective interventions for students in self-<br>regulated learning research. In the ten-year research period, there is much research on<br>self-regulated learning in middle school to high school or teenage students.</p> Sri Agus Supriani , Uman Suherman AS Copyright (c) 2023 Sri Agus Supriani, , Uman Suherman AS 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 2 2 54 59 YouTube triggers Phubbing and FoMO behavior in generation Z <p>Youtube, as a giant video platform, has had a huge impact on the behavior and habits of generation Z. Phubbing (Phone Snubbing) and FoMO (Fear of Missing Out) are two psychological phenomena that can be related to the use of Youtube and social media in general. It is always important to understand and manage digital behavior patterns wisely to create a healthy balance between the virtual world and the real world. This research uses a quantitative approach with descriptive methods. Sampling used random sampling techniques, the sample in this study was 151 high school students in Padang City. The scales used in this research are the FoMO and Phubbing scales. This research uses three analyses, including: 1) descriptive test of FoMO and Phubbing in Padang City; 2) descriptive test of students' FoMO and Phubbing based on gender; 3) descriptive test of students' FoMO and Phubbing based on 1 month quota usage; 4) descriptive test of students' FoMO and Phubbing based on internet access; and 5) The connection between social media and internet access. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis with the help of JASP software. The results of the research are: 1) Testing FoMO-Phubbing Conditions Based on Gender shows that there is no significant difference between the levels of FoMO and phubbing between male and female students, 2) Testing FoMO-Phubbing Conditions Based on 1 Month Quota, shows that the sample group that uses quota of more than 4 Gb has the highest phubbing score, then in the FoMO score, the sample group that uses cellular data quota in the 1 Gb to 4 Gb category with tethering has the highest FoMO score, 3) Testing FoMO-Phubbing Conditions Based on Internet Access shows that the score is good FoMO and phubbing students use their own internet quota access. This shows that, without dependence on a particular type of internet access, both FoMO and phubbing remain related to the use of mobile data quota. 5) The association between internet access and social media tendencies suggests that students who use tethering access to watch YouTube may have different experiences or behaviors. different in terms of FoMO (Fear of Missing Out; figure 5) and phubbing compared to those who use personal quotas to access other social media such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. the results of this study remind us of the importance of considering differences in the use of internet access and social media platforms when designing educational interventions or programs aimed at reducing the negative impact of FoMO and phubbing on students.</p> Dona Fitri Annisa Lira Erwinda Yuda Syahputra Copyright (c) 2023 Dona Fitri Annisa, Lira Erwinda, Yuda Syahputra 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 2 2 60 69 The Implementation of Aggression Replacement Training (ART) to Reduce Student Aggressive Behavior at SMA Kartika 1-2 Medan <p>The existence of services in guidance and counseling at school is to help overcome the problems experienced by students, one of the student problems that often occur is aggressive behavior. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the application of Aggression Replacement Training (ART) in reducing student aggression behavior. This research uses the mixed method, of the research method uses Explanatory Sequential Design. This research was conducted at SMA Kartika 1-2 Medan in 2023. The research subjects were second-grade students totaling 25 students. The instruments used in the data collection process used three types, namely (1) Questionnaires; (2) observation; and (3) interviews. Data analysis includes (1) Descriptive analysis; (2) Normality test; (3) paired sample t-test; (3) homogeneity test; (4) Independent Sample t-test; and (5) N-Gain Score test. The results showed that students' aggression behavior tended to be high before the service, then after being given the Aggression Replacement Training (ART) technique service, students' aggression behavior according to. The decrease in student aggression behavior can be seen from the results of the Pre-test score, the average value is 76.3. After being given the service the Post-test score has an average value of 53.6. This shows that the application of Aggression Replacement Training (ART) can reduce students' aggressive behavior.</p> Yunita Yunita Fikriyah Iftinan Fauzi Copyright (c) 2023 Yunita Yunita, Fikriyah Iftinan Fauzi 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 2 2 70 77 The Effect of Attachments on the Psychological Well-Being of Adolescents with Divorce Parents <p style="font-weight: 400;">Well-being can affect a person's mental health, this is because the positive emotions produced will make their mental condition better. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of attachment on the psychological well-being of adolescents with divorced parents. The research method used is literature study, with research subjects being teenage students with divorced parents. Based on the results of a literature review, teenagers with divorced parents tend to have low psychological well-being due to a lack of parental attachment, which causes teenagers to have insecure attachment. Insecure attachment is related to a high aspect of alienation, which is indicated by difficulty accepting oneself, difficulty accepting situations, feelings of being unwanted and unneeded, and fear of building relationships with other people. This is because they lose their main attachment figure, namely their parents. So teenagers also tend to feel sad, lonely, embarrassed, sensitive, have low self-esteem and withdraw from the environment. However, if teenagers have peer attachment, they can minimize the impact of divorce on low psychological well-being. This is because peer attachment functions as a source of psychological security for teenagers because they receive affection from their peers, apart from that it provides an experience of mutual trust and openness in communication which gives teenagers a new space to get positive affection.</p> Tita Rosita Mutiara Tectonia Safitri Copyright (c) 2023 Tita Rosita, Mutiara Tectonia Safitri 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 2 2 78 88 Online Peer Counseling for Unjani’s College Students in the Society era 5.0 <p>Students as teenagers who will enter early adulthood are faced with various problems, demands and challenges, especially in the Era of Society 5.0. Students find it easier to share their problems with friends than parents, lecturers or others. Here, the role of Peer Counseling becomes important to help students for maintain their mental health. With the Covid-19 Pandemic period and also increasing technological developments, Peer Counseling Online can help students to receive counseling services. The Peer Counseling Online was given briefing and also training implementation of counseling, especially Peer Counseling Online and Psychological First Aid. Using technology media, counseling activities can be done anywhere. The counselees themselves come from various faculties at UNJANI and the most problems experienced by counselees are anxiety. The results of the study proved that counselees felt helped by the existence of Peer Counseling Online services and most felt that they did not need to continue consulting with professionals or Psychology because they felt helped by the existence of Peer Counseling Online.</p> Endah Andriani Pratiwi Ditya Indria Sari Copyright (c) 2023 Andriani Pratiwi, Ditya Indria Sari 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 2 2 89 96